
Subject Areas

Works may be submitted currently in the following subject areas:

-Physical drawings, physical paintings, physical sculptures, ((digital artworks )), and more.

-((Music and video submissions are not permitted at this time)).


-History of Temuair, Medenia, or both! Popular entries are timelines, stories of notable people, histories of locations around the world, and journal entries.

Grinneal History: History of significant events before the appearance of the Tuatha De Danaan.

Danaan History: History of significant events after the appearance of the Tuatha and before Danaan's Great Sacrifice.

Deoch History: History of significant events after the appearance of the first Aisling ((i.e - in game history after Dark Ages went live)).


-Poetry, scripts, or stories occurring in the world of Temuair and/or Medenia.

You may need to be careful not to make it too much of a biography (see PERSONA).


-Practical information and guides about any aspect of Temuair and/or Medenia. These can be a specific collection of facts, quest guides, class guides, or how-tos for the many challenges Aislings face.

(( Practical guides on strictly role-play topics (e.g. cooking) are also acceptable )).


Broad ideas about life and living in Temuair and/or Medenia. These tend to be about theology, elements, magic theory, sociology, psychology, racial sociology, economics, and more. This is the most varied category of all of the Mileth College categories.

(( The Dark Ages definition of philosophy is based on the historical definition. Philosophy historically encompassed theoretical investigation in any "body of knowledge", including the humanities. ))

If the work is more practical in nature, perhaps it better suited as a lore submission.


PERSONA ('Biography'):
-Either an autobiography or biography about an Aisling or Mundane. Please get permission before writing someone else's biography.

You must then make sure they read and accept your entry before submitting it to the Contest Hall in order to avoid nasty slander allegations!

*** Note: Persona is a special category in which the highest award level is not available. Recognized biographers also do not gain some noble privileges (such as teaching) ***


Former Subject Areas

Several other subject areas were available long ago, but are now defunct. You might still find some very old aislings with recognition marks of these subjects on their legends:

MEMORY ((Screenshot)):
-An unaltered memory

((An unaltered screenshot of an exciting event within Dark Ages. Created by pressing the F12 Key. Many of the screenshots on the Dark Ages website originate from this contest area.))

*** This was a special category with it's own unique Clave and Village recognition marks, though without noble privileges. Defunct as a regular subject area in early 2002, it was revived as yearly contest in 2025. ***

-A self portrait

((Specifically a self-portrait created using the Dark Ages Face Maker Tool. This tool ships with the Dark Ages client. Portraits created using the tool are then displayed in game when clicking on a character. The Face Maker tool has a limited resolution and color palette for an artist to work with; hence the difference between this and a normal art submission.))

*** This was a special art sub-category in only which the maximum art award offered was Village. Defunct as of early 2002. ***

(( Event planned, organized, and hosted by characters, and must be in-character. Four Aislings will receive full recognition.

*** This was a special category with it's own unique recognition marks. It was only ever offered once in the game's history in December 2000. *** ))

Featured Recognized Art:
Bentic, "Hunting Lag Beast in the Crypt" | Veneficus, "Guard's Oath" | Theowin, "Theowin's Ioc Sonnet"

(( The Mileth College is a player-run institution within Kru Interactive's MMORPG Dark Ages.
Click here for legal / copyright / contact information. ))